The Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol defines three classes of emissions
Learn more about Scope 3 indirect emissions …
The GHG Protocol is a widely used international standard for classifying greenhouse gas emissions. It defines emissions in three categories, known as Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3.
Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions come from owned or purchased assets that are directly involved in an organization’s operations. Scope 1 emissions cover direct greenhouse gas emissions emerging from owned sources such as company vehicles, combustion appliances or equipment, and fugitive emissions, which are emissions caused by leaks, malfunctions, and other irregular or accidental circumstances.
Scope 2 emissions differ from the Scope 1 classification in that they are indirect rather than direct, but still come from owned, purchased, or rented assets. Utilities such as electricity and heat are common examples of Scope 2 pollutants.
Scope 3 indirect emissions cover all non-direct sources that come from peripheral activities related to the organization. These include emissions resulting from goods and services delivered through an outside provider, as well as waste disposal, investments, product distribution, franchises, and leased assets. However, one of the most prominent sources of Scope 3 indirect emissions is commuting and employee travel.
While there are many strategies that can cut down on the GHG emissions caused by commuting and employee travel, a majority of people still rely on single-occupancy vehicles to get to and from work. Encouraging commuters to switch to greener, smarter, and more efficient transportation modes is an excellent way for businesses and organizations to reduce their carbon footprints.
RideAmigos helps businesses and organizations achieve meaningful reductions in their Scope 3 indirect emissions
RideAmigos has developed an innovative, comprehensive transportation demand management (TDM) software platform replete with features that help businesses encourage commuters to shift their behaviors away from single occupancy vehicles. We can help your organization adopt and implement a wide range of proven strategies that improve access to smart alternatives with tools like ridematching, vanpool management, public transit integration, and both active and passive commute tracking.
The RideAmigos software platform also contains comprehensive tools for publicizing and managing incentive programs, such as commuter challenges and gamification. We’ve helped organizations around the world, in both the public and private sectors, drive positive behavior change among their commuters. We can help yours, too.
Get started with RideAmigos to arrange a consultation, discover helpful commuter tips, or get a free analysis or your existing commuter programs.
More information about the GHG Protocol Scope 3 Standard.