Commute management apps

Invest in commute management apps and help build a happier, healthier workforce. Commute management apps help enterprises and organizations maximize the proven benefits of their transportation programs. Getting as many people on board as possible is the key to realizing the full potential of your commuter initiatives, and apps are a crucial tool for achieving […]

Reducing Parking Costs

Managing parking does boost your bottom line, but it also helps the environment and creates a safer community Providing employees with safe, accessible parking places can cost businesses thousands of dollars per month. This is especially true for companies with offices in high-demand areas, where multiple enterprises have to compete for limited resources. The most […]

What are Scope 3 Indirect Emissions?

The Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol defines three classes of emissions. Learn more about Scope 3 indirect emissions … The GHG Protocol is a widely used international standard for classifying greenhouse gas emissions. It defines emissions in three categories, known as Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3. Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions come from […]

What is a TMA / TMO?

What is a Transportation Management Association (TMA) / Transportation Management Organization (TMO)? A transportation management association (TMA), sometimes known as a transportation management organization (TMO), is an administrative body designed to manage the transportation needs of a particular venue, district, or community. In most cases, TMAs are non-profit organizations, and they are usually controlled by […]

Strategies for Reducing Parking Costs

Parking costs are closely tied to demand. The key is to find the perfect balance. Parking lots are so ubiquitous that drivers of single-occupancy vehicles tend to take them for granted. Most companies provide free or reduced-cost parking to employees. Retail and service-oriented businesses tend to suffer if they don’t have ample, easily accessible parking […]

Employee Commuter Programs

Engage employees and encourage smarter commuting with programs that promote alternatives to single-occupancy vehicles As many businesses have found, getting employees to change their commuting habits requires more than just advertising alternatives. Even the best-intentioned directives are likely to fall flat if they aren’t backed up with action. So how can you find success? You can create lasting […]

Smart mobility for smart cities

Connected technologies have revolutionized modern life in countless ways, and they are now starting to change the way cities work. The “smart city” movement is gaining traction worldwide, and it’s opened up a new world of possibilities to forward-thinking municipal planners. What makes a city “smart?” While there is no single definition of a smart […]

Commuter Incentive Programs

Changing commuter behavior isn’t easy. Commuter incentive programs provide a way forward. The goal of most commuter programs is to change commuter behavior, and that can be a tricky thing to accomplish. Most people are set in their ways. They do what works for them, and they stick to it. They’re often reluctant to give […]

What is Transportation Resilience?

Defining and understanding transportation resilience In the context of risk management, “resilience” is defined as a system’s ability to continue to function at an acceptable level of efficiency in the face of disruptive or unexpected conditions. This concept has been imported into the world of transportation demand management, giving rise to the idea of “transportation […]

What is Transportation Demand Management?

What is TDM and why does it matter? Transportation demand management (TDM) has become a hot topic in recent years. This is thanks in large part to the many ways in which technology has made using and promoting smart transportation choices easier. From a conceptual standpoint, TDM is concerned with the ways in which people […]

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