University Transportation Demand Management
Discover effective campus transportation demand management solutions that generate lasting improvements.
Universities and colleges face a unique set of challenges related to traffic and parking facility management. Campus communities continue to grow and evolve. But building more traffic infrastructure isn’t a viable option in the vast majority of cases. Therefore, administrators need to find practical solutions that encourage the use of alternative modes of transportation. Such alternatives include public transit, walking, cycling, ridesharing, and others.
Campuses that simply introduce vehicle and parking restrictions as a way to manage rising traffic volumes don’t tend to generate the kind of results that lead to lasting solutions. The key to real success is to make smarter transportation options more accessible, convenient, and desirable, especially to students. Thankfully, the good news is that most campuses are already configured to accommodate pedestrians and cyclists.
The field of Transportation Demand Management (TDM) provides an ideal framework for creating such change. Transportation demand management solutions for educational institutions can help administrators get more people to move around campus without their own vehicles by creating awareness and behavior-change programs that are powered by technology.
The RideAmigos software platform offers powerful capabilities to university administrators and end users alike.
With the RideAmigos TDM software platform, university transportation demand management administrators can quickly and easily track trends and data related to campus commuting. Alongside powerful user tools, this data can be used to help guide policy decisions that will have a far-reaching impact. Students, faculty, and staff will enjoy instant access to a complete range of powerful journey planning tools, including:
- Turn-by-turn directions for pedestrians and cyclists.
- Multimodal trip planners, including real-time links to local public transit schedules and up-to-the-minute information.
- Easy-to-use, easy-to-manage carpooling and rideshare matching.
- Route planners for vehicle-based commuters that will help drivers avoid congested areas, reduce idle time, and arrive at campus on time.
Putting this much information at users’ fingertips makes it far more likely that commuters will make better and more widespread use of smarter, more sustainable transportation. Paired with initiatives like transit pass subsidies or incentive programs, universities can generate results that can reduce vehicular traffic on campuses by as much as 30 percent or more.
Even highly educated faculty members and environmentally conscious student populations will default to solo driving if there aren’t enough options or alternatives available. Choosing the RideAmigos platform to help manage campus transportation needs is a strong step in the right direction. To learn more, please contact us at RideAmigos or sign up to view our free, comprehensive video demonstration.