K-12 School Transportation

Move beyond buses with next-generation school transportation solutions

Big yellow buses have long been the hallmark of school transportation, but in an age of soaring costs and shrinking budgets, school administrators have to be creative in their search for savings.

At RideAmigos, we’ve responded by developing a set of innovative tools that K-12 schools can use to meet the transportation needs of students while keeping costs to an absolute minimum.

The concept of the schoolpool is at the center of our thinking.

School Transportation - Busses

Schoolpools are carpools parents can use to help students get to and from school as efficiently as possible.

Our goal is to safely connect students who need rides with parents who offer them, and our program has already proven to be a great success.

Adopted by the Denver Regional Council of Governments, our schoolpool tools helped consolidate the transportation needs of students at a growing list of charter schools in the area. Within a year, we matched 16,000 families with children at more than 125 schools with personalized matches to schoolpool ride-sharing programs. Our easy-to-use technological tools also helped more than 6,000 new schoolpools form, with an average size of 2.6 families operating 4.4 days per week and covering an average one-way travel distance of 7.8 miles.

The RideAmigos suite of school transportation software helps K-12 schools save money, improve safety and foster a stronger sense of community.

Schools that adopt schoolpool ride-sharing programs help save much-needed money, funding programs and providing essentials that lead to a better education. That’s the biggest and most obvious benefit of our platform, but we also improve safety and help schools build stronger senses of community.

Schoolpools help parents connect and build friendships with one another, all while giving students a great platform for socializing outside the classroom. They also offer students a safe alternative to walking long distances to and from schools, easing worries for working parents who aren’t able to pick their children up in person every day.

School Transportation - Schoolpool

Your school community will also benefit from:
· Reduced traffic congestion in pick-up and drop-off areas
· A reduction in pedestrian hazards around the school area
· More efficient allocation of parking resources
· Scheduling advantages and time savings
· Schoolpools that incorporate walking or biking can also help students improve academic performance

If you’re ready to learn more, feel free to view our demo video, or please contact a RideAmigos customer service representative. We’d be happy to discuss your specific needs in detail and help you find an affordable and practical solution that will deliver school-wide benefits.